LogoJPs Software - Color GlowLogo

JPs Software - Color Glow


This is a little collection of video-plugins for Pinnacles software Studio 9 (and 10). It is an early beta-release of the plugins, so use them at your own risc. Feel free to send feedback and comments. The plugin was tested under Windows XP with Studio 9.4 - but most of the effects should also run under Studio 10. Programming these video-effects is an hobby of mine, so the plugin can be used freely as defined by the Gnu Public License (version 2 or later, see file COPYING).
Jan Peter Riegel, (c) 2006
Attention: if you encounter watermarks from Pinnacle when using my plugins, just update to the latest version of JPsEffects!

A big thank you for your e-mails and help - especially by the people behind the Declic Video-FX Website. With your help I was able to create a version of JPsEffects for Studio 17 (and 16?). It's great to see that people still like the effects after so many years! A special thank you goes to Saby for the french translation and lots of bugfixes.


This effect can be used to let something (more concrete: to let a specific color) glow. Eg., you can simulate a "Star-Wars" Laser-sword with this effect (see description). But also other things like hands or lamps can be made glowing.

Here is the step-by-step instruction to create a Laser-sword: Start with a video using sticks or something as your sword. The color of the sticks should be unique. Now apply the ColorGlow effect. Set up the margins so that the effect is only applied to the area around your stick. This helps to speed up the calculation and it avoids applying ColorGlow to unwanted areas. Unselect the "view margin" parameter after setting your margins. Now select the color of the stick and select your glow color. Choose "set to glow color" and use trial-and-error for the other parameters. Voila - Darth Vader may come...


Version History

0.3  2.3.2006  Corrected transparency problems under Studio 10
0.2  23.5.2004  first release version
0.1b  21.5.2004  initial Version