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JPs Software


This is a little collection of video-plugins for Pinnacles software Studio 9 (and 10). It is an early beta-release of the plugins, so use them at your own risc. Feel free to send feedback and comments. The plugin was tested under Windows XP with Studio 9.4 - but most of the effects should also run under Studio 10. Programming these video-effects is an hobby of mine, so the plugin can be used freely as defined by the Gnu Public License (version 2 or later, see file COPYING).
Jan Peter Riegel, (c) 2006
Attention: if you encounter watermarks from Pinnacle when using my plugins, just update to the latest version of JPsEffects!

A big thank you for your e-mails and help - especially by the people behind the Declic Video-FX Website. With your help I was able to create a version of JPsEffects for Studio 17 (and 16?). It's great to see that people still like the effects after so many years! A special thank you goes to Saby for the french translation and lots of bugfixes.


It took many hours of work to produce JPsEffects. If you use my plugins often and like them, I'd appreciate a small donation.
This donation could be nice emails, postcards or money.
Money can be donated using PayPal (www.paypal.com) using my email address jp@familie-riegel.de (be careful when using PayPal: they will never send you any email where you have to enter your password and they will never send you emails with attachments).


Setup-JPSEffects_1.1.8.exe1.1.827.12.20131 MB


To install the plugin just download and execute the installation Program1 (see below).
For a manual installation open the Source-ZIP-Archive and copy JPsEffects.fex into the directory Plugins\RTFx below your Studio 9 path (Usually this will be C:\Program Files\Studio 9\Plugins\RTFx). Copy every .xml-files included in the archive (eg. JPsEffects.xml) to the directory XML just below the RTFx-directory (just if you want to use that effect). Also copy JPsEffects_EN.chm into this XML-directory. After restarting Studio 9 you will see the new video effects. (Attention: you will see the new effects only with Studio version (beta) or later!)


JPsEffects1.1.827.12.2013This plugin contains the following effects: Color adjust, Color change, Color change 2, Color Glow, Cut, De-Interlace, Dia Zoom, Filter, Gear, Kaleidoscope, Lens, Lighthouse, Mirror, Eraser, Spiral, Transform, Transform2, Transparency, TV Interference, Waves, Zoom, Zoom2, Zoom and move.
Color adjust0.114.2.2005This effect can be used for some advanced color adjustments. You can perform color adjustments (linear and gamma correction) for each color channel (red, green, and blue) separately. Additionally, the brightness, contrast and color intensity can be adjusted.
Color change0.38.4.2004With ColorChange you can change one single color of the input video. Additionally, all other colors can be changed to black and white. Attention: the user interface of this effect might change in the future.
Color change 20.316.10.2004Like ColorChange, but with a different set of parameters.
Color Glow0.323.5.2004This effect can be used to let something (more concrete: to let a specific color) glow. Eg., you can simulate a "Star-Wars" Laser-sword with this effect (see description). But also other things like hands or lamps can be made glowing.
Cut0.217.3.2006Cut and raise part of the video.
De-Interlace0.17.5.2005De Interlace interlaced videos.
Dia Zoom0.1o9.4.2006DiaZoom
Filter0.730.3.2006Filter can be used to enhance (or modify) an image. This Filter-effect consists of some standard filters to sharpen, soften, or distort the input video.
Gear0.115.3.2006Show only a part of the video clip in form of a (moving) toothed wheel.
Kaleidoscope0.220.4.2004This effect simulates a kaleidoscope. A video-clip can be split into several segments, and one of these segments is copied or mirrored to the other segments.
Lens0.318.3.2006Simple Lens effect: zoom in or out parts of the video.
Lighthouse0.18.7.2005Cast rays of rotating light over your video.
Mirror0.7o19.3.2006Simple mirroring of the source clip. It is useful, if objects in the video move to the wrong direction. You can mirror the video vertically, horizontally, and in the middle of the image. Mirroring in the middle leads to an effect like a kaleidoscope.
This plugin is mostly obsolete. Use Transform or Kaleidoscope instead.
TV Interference0.15.3.2006Adds a strong rustle to the video like a TV interference.
Transform0.82.4.2005Transform can be used to change the input video using linear transformations. With these transformations you can e.g. zoom, move, rotate, or shear a video or still image. Up to 6 basic transformations can be combined and be applied together. This plugin makes the effects Zoom, Zoom2 and (partially) Mirror obsolete.
Transform20.52.4.2005Additionally to the Transform effect, Transform2 specifies points in time, where the transformations should be valid.
Transparency0.32.7.2005Use this effect to make part of the video transparent.
Waves0.110.3.2006Stretches the video clip like waves
Zoom0.5o7.4.2004Zoom into a video or an image. You can enter a zoom factor and an offset from the top left corner of the input (in %).
This plugin is obsolete. Use Transform instead.
Zoom20.5o7.4.2004Non-uniform stretching of a video. Parameters to this effect are margins of the input video (in %). These margins are cut away and the rest of the input is stretched to fit the original size.
This plugin is obsolete. Use Transform instead.
Zoom and move0.5o7.4.2004Just like move, but a second zoom factor can be given. This second zoom is valid at the end of the video clip. With "Zoom and Move" you can simulate a camera moving into or over a still image.
This plugin is obsolete. Use Transform2 instead.
Eraser0.121.3.2006Erase parts of the video.


I've made a questionnaire about JPsEffects. Please answer at least a few questions in order to help to further enhance my plugins. Here is the Questionnaire! A first analysis of your feedback was also made.

Version History

1.1.8  1.2.2014  French translation  27.12.2013  Use old .fex-file  14.12.2013  Adaption for Studio 16
1.1.7  10.12.2013  Adapt the install program to Studio 17  20.1.2013  Correction of the install program (S 16)  24.2.2011  Correction of the install program
1.1.6  22.2.2011  Adapt installer to Studio 15  19.11.2009  Correction of the installer
1.1.5  5.11.2009  Installer for Studio 9-14
1.1.4  6.7.2008  Installer for Studio 12
1.1.3  18.5.2007  Test version for Studio 11
1.1.2  3.4.2006  Correction of the installer and some XML files (Eraser should work now)
1.1.1  19.3.2006  New effect "Spiral", "Mirror" with less parameters
1.1.0  15.3.2006  New effect "Gear", Split effects into three groups
1.0.7  13.3.2006  New effects "TV Interference" and "Waves"
1.0.6  2.3.2006  Correction of "Mirror" for Studio 10, "Lens" effect implemented, corrected transparency problems
1.0.5  24.2.2006  additional corrections to the XML-files and to "Filter"
1.0.4  23.2.2006  Corrected all XML files for Studio 10
1.0.3  12.2.2006  All calculations again in double or int
1.0.2  11.2.2006  XML-Files corrected
1.0.1  10.2.2006  Test version - all effects are activated
1.0.0  2.1.2006  Installer for Studio 9 and 10
0.9.9  27.11.2005  Test version for Studio 10
0.9.7  2.7.2005  "Lighthouse"-effect, two new types for Transparency
0.9.6  15.5.2005  new interpolations (for Transform(2)), use float instead of double
0.9.5  7.4.2005  New effect "DeInterlace"
0.9.4  2.4.2005  Documentation of the Interlace-option
0.9.3  26.3.2005  bugfix for interlaced material
0.9.2  14.2.2005  bugfix for background rendering, new effect ColorAdjust,source code in the installer
0.9.1  17.10.2004  bugfix: effects are now visible
0.9  29.9.2004  New parameter "Value" for Filter, ColorGlow works, presets for Transform and Transform2
0.8.7  25.7.2004  installer
0.8.6  19.6.2004  Interlaced parameter for Transform and Transform2
0.8.5a  7.6.2004  corrected an Error in JPEColorChange2.XML for german language
0.8.5  4.6.2004  new "Transparency" effect for titles, more documentation
0.8.2  2.6.2004  watermarks 2nd try
0.8.1  1.6.2004  No more watermarks with Studio 9.1
0.8  23.5.2004  new "ColorGlow" effect
0.7.2  21.5.2004  new effect ColorChange2 (with smoothing)
0.7.1  20.5.2004  support of interlaced videos
0.7  15.4.2004  new effect "Kaleidoscope", better documentation
0.6  11.4.2004  new effect Transform2 (making ZoomAndMove obsolete)
0.5.1  8.4.2005  all effects use a transparent background if possible
0.5  5.4.2004  new effect "Color Change"
0.4  4.4.2004  new effect "Transform", obsolete effects "Zoom", "Zoom2" and "Mirror" removed - install these effects separately
0.3.1  29.3.2004  small bugfixes, parameter range adapted
0.3  24.3.2004  new Filter effect, class structure changed
0.2  15.3.2004  initial version
0.1    first test version

To do